Notes on using BlueStack via Bluetooth or USB

Lately I got a few returns, and questions regarding issues seen by HAM’s. A good reason to make a nice checklist to help if you do encounter some weird behaviour.

– if your unit has a black dot on the USB-port, you are fine. If you do not have the black dot, the uC on the board has older firmware. The only way to make it work will be disconnecting the wire on the radio-board for ‘dongle’-mode, and reconnecting it for FW-upgrade only.
– Use a good USB-cable, many cables do not work correctly. for example cables of a chrome-cast are not fully wired, and give errors. All units are tested here with a cable of high quality like Samsung cables.

1: Bluetooth needs to be connected first via your phone or tab, and needs password/pin 1234
2: The App disconnects Bluetooth after a few seconds: Update the firmware in the DVMega first!
For BlueStack micro setups use this firmware
For BlueStack 1 setup, use this firmware
3: No communication at all! : Check if the button is OUT.

1: The PC should recognize the board as a serial port.
2: The USB-port is ONE minute in programming mode; MMDVM does work, however USB changes make the the DVMega reset during this time.
3: MMDVM does not work : Update the firmware in the DVMega first!
For BlueStack micro setups use this firmware
For BlueStack 1 setup, use this firmware

Global issues:

1: use a good powersupply or battery, the unit can handle small voltage changes, but not too much.
2: for Bluetooth use, preferably do not connect to a PC-USB. The reason is that USB-changes on the PC can make the DVMega reset in the first minute it is powered.
3: Prevent BlueBox01 to be in direct heat, as the units is printed in PLA, extreme heat can cause the unit to change it’s shape.

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